

Firmware is a vital part of your hardware’s operations.
A note to consider before upgraded is “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it“, meaning if your lights are working, then there in no need to update.

Please double check that the firmware being updated is correct for your hardware.

Software used to update is fwloader_1_0.
Follow the instructions carefuly for your hardware – SanDevices_Firmware_Update_Procedure_05-2013


The below firmware is the current standard as of 11/22/2017
There was some numbering issues with earlier versions.

Available firmware
– E680_UPGRADED_v4.033 or E680_v2.025
E681 – E681_UPGRADED_v4.033 or E681v2.051
E682   E682v4.081-01

The following firmware is Beta but has been known to resolve several of peoples issues.

Available firmware

E682 – E682v5.038-01 Bug fixes from OLD E682v5.030
E6804 –  E6804v5.038-01  Bug fixes from OLD  E6804v5.030

SanDevices Version 5 Firmware Documentation 5.038 05-22-2022

SanDevices Version 5.023 Firmware Documentation PRELIMINARY 11-08-2016